Monday, November 29, 2021

My MMX profile

This is my profile which shows me describing myself and setting my goals for this class. 
My 5 expectations of myself are to talk clearly with proper vocabulary, to be louder, be confident in everything I say and do. Standing up straight and pronouncing all words correctly. 
I hope you enjoy.

Thursday, November 18, 2021

My reflection of 2021

Some of the highest points I had this year was when lockdown brought my family closer. Some living far away came home. Starting at college was a high because it is way more fun then I thought it would be. Another one was having cool teachers and passing some tests we have had. Also playing in one of the first ever woman xv team for this school was a big high because I love rugby and never thought we would actually have a team this year but we achieved that.

Some of the lowest points were when covid-19 kept coming back and stopping us playing rugby or watching. It stopped some trips and stopped families coming into school for prizegiving. All the restrictions that came from covid was a low for me. I did not bring my chromebook enough this year which made me get detentions which was a low.

My goal for year 10 is to always bring my chromebook, to settle in  fast, stop talking to much and to arrive to class on time. I have to bring a pen to every lesson too.

Friday, November 12, 2021


Today we watched a video called consumerism. The video was an animated story about global warming, consumers buying stuff over and over again, pollution and more environmental problems. The main message i got from this video is to protect our country and always take care of it.